Contacts for passenger transport operators

Our passenger transport team are here for you - find out the best way to get in touch with us for your query.

Get in touch

The Transport Network team is responsible for managing the school transport application process and for ensuring travel support is put in place for eligible children, young people and vulnerable adults. They are also your first point of contact for any issues that arise in the operation of your call-off contracts. 

Call us

We have a telephone 'hunt group' in place that enables you to contact us during office hours. The telephone number is 01670 624839. You should always get in contact with us by phone if it concerns an urgent matter.  

Email us

We have a number of generic mailboxes set up to handle correspondence, the one to contact will depend on the nature of your query:

The Finance and Compliance team are responsible for managing the purchase order and receipting process. This enables your invoices to be paid. They also provide compliance management across all call-off contracts we have put in place with you. 

  They use a couple of generic email addresses which are:

Other useful sources of information

School Closures

Gritting of Road Network