Experience Northumberland by bus

There are many reasons to travel by bus in Northumberland.

Experience Northumberland by bus

There are many reasons to travel by bus in Northumberland.

Bus travel savings

How to save when using the bus.

Why use buses in Northumberland? 

Northumberland boasts a world heritage site and two areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONB): 

It is a place where you can relax and explore your surroundings. Northumberland offers attractions ranging from dramatic ruined castles to miles of golden beaches, and a wealth of country houses, parks and museums.   

For an even more relaxing visit, exploring the county by bus relieves the stress of driving during your trip. The bus network is enhanced by a number of seasonal services giving access to most parts of the county.   

Planning your visit to Northumberland by bus 

Bus service operator's grant (BSOG)

From 1 January 2014, the Department for Transport (DfT) have paid an annual grant to eligible local authorities in England to replace the Bus Service Operators’ Grant (BSOG) for tendered services which, up until this time, had been paid direct to the bus operators.

As part of the grant conditions, Northumberland County Council is required to report on how they have made use of these funds by completing a short survey issued by the DfT, details of which can be found in the Devolved BSOG Grant   

Please click here for devolved BSOG Grant Annual Outputs Reports