The grant is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions. The scheme also aims to support those on a low income who have limited savings and are particularly at risk due to factors such as disabilities or caring for young children.
The fund can support with
Food - vouchers, cash or food in-kind.
Energy and water to support with domestic heating, cooking or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders. It can also be used to support water bills.
Essentials linked to energy and water including sanitary products, warm clothing, soap, blankets, boiler service/repair, purchase of new and used equipment including white goods, etc.), in recognition that a range of costs may arise which directly affect a household’s ability to access food, energy and water.
Wider essentials these may include support with other bills including broadband or phone bills, clothing, and essential transport-related costs such as repairing a car or paying for fuel. This list is not exhaustive.
Housing Costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet need, the fund can be used to support some elements of housing costs.
Our team may ask for the following:
HMGov's cost of living support hub
Your application will be assessed, and we will explain our final decision. If you were referred by a third-party partner, we will provide them with the outcome of the decision.
A family member or friend can apply for you.
The Northumberland Communities Together Team can help with your application. Call 01670 620015 between 9am and 6pm, seven days a week.
If we need to make changes, all updated information will be available on this page.
If you are awarded an e-voucher, you will need to convert this into a gift card to use at one of the following stores:
You may be referred to the Northumberland Communities Together team by one of the following; Northumberland County Council Services, Statutory Partners or Community Partners, if you are receiving support from them including:
Anyone can apply but there may be exceptions if:
In these cases, you will need to contact Onecall who will assess and refer you to the scheme.
Phone 01670 620015 9am-6pm, 7 days a week
The Household Support Fund scheme does not require banking details to provide support and we will never request this information over the telephone. If you receive any calls requesting this information, claiming to be from a local council, please be vigilant and follow the advice below:
You can apply for the fund through: Northumberland Communities Together phone: 01670 620 015 Email 9am – 6pm (Mon – Friday) Your application will be dealt with by one of our team who may need to contact you for further information to support your application.
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