Find out about reporting overflowing bins, litter picking and collections, and more.
Find out about reporting overflowing bins, litter picking and collections, and more. Please don't drop litter. Use a litter bin or, if there isn't one handy, take your litter home and put it in your waste bin if you can't recycle it.
If you see a damaged or overflowing bin, report it to us using the online form below. You can also use this form to request a new public litter bin. Please note this form is to be used to contact us about public litter bins e.g. in parks, on lampposts or on pavements.
Request a new litter bin or report a damaged/overflowing bin here
Do not place dog fouling into bins within children's play areas.
Dog owners have a responsibility to pick up after their pets and should place bagged dog fouling in a litter bin/dog waste bin or take bagged dog waste home with them.
Councils appoint officers to issue fixed penalty notices to people dropping litter. An offender has 14 days to pay the fixed penalty of £80 or £65 if paid within 7 days. Failure to pay the fine will result in the case being taken to court and a potentially a maximum fine of £2,500.
Click here for the Environmental Enforcement Fixed Penalty Notice Policy 2017
Thoughtless drivers and their passengers tossing litter from cars are costing the taxpayer millions each year in clean-up costs.
Throwing litter from moving vehicles is dangerous for other drivers and creates a mess and a hazard on our roadside verges.
There are a number of areas in Northumberland affected by heavy leaf fall in the autumn.
These areas receive extra attention to ensure they are regularly swept of leaves, avoiding slippery and dangerous surfaces for pedestrians.
A list of the roads and public areas identified as a ‘leaf hotspot’ is kept in each depot and the areas receive extra attention throughout the autumn months.
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