Information on getting involved with community litter picks.
Northumberland’s face is its fortune. The cleanliness of the county is an important part of the quality of life of residents and in encouraging visitors.
Rubbish is the first thing we want to tackle. You can help by organising a litter pick in your area.
Below sets out what you need to know to begin improving your county.
Click here for more information and guidance on litter picking from Keep Britain Tidy.
1. Choose an area you want to clean up. If its public land maintained by Northumberland County Council, email and let us know the area you intend to litter pick. If it’s privately owned land, get permission from the landowner(s). 2. Decide when you want to do it. 3. Tell your friends, family and neighbours you need their help. 4. Northumberland County Council will provide litter pick packs for up to 20 people. These include:
5. Complete a risk assessment. This simple procedure ensures you have considered any safety issues and taken necessary precautions to try and prevent them. 6. Prepare yourself and your helpers for the day:
7. Go through an activity planning checklist to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
1. Brief the group on:
Litter pick safety checklist
2. Check everyone is wearing or has appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather and terrain. 3. Ensure there is sufficient supervision for young/vulnerable volunteers. 4. Ask the group to be considerate to wildlife and people using the area 5. Exchange mobile phone numbers to ensure good communication links between the group.
Check Northumberland County Council has collected the rubbish as scheduled. If it has not been picked up, please contact us again,
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