Permission to open a highway (section 50)

Any organisation or individual wishing to place or renew apparatus in the highway must obtain a licence from the highway authority.

Permission to open a highway (section 50)

Any organisation or individual wishing to place or renew apparatus in the highway must obtain a licence from the highway authority.

Rights and obligations for the owner of the apparatus and the highway authority are explained within the licence.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for a licence, please contact the authority via email at or phone 0345 600 6400.  

The application will be assessed by the Streetworks team who will discuss any issues with the applicant.    

Applicants are advised to get in touch at the earliest point as the nature of the work, and the associated traffic management, may affect the proposed start date for the work. For example, there is a 12 week minimum notice period should a road closure be required.     

The Council may request an alternative location for the proposed apparatus if it is considered that the installation, or any future maintenance, may cause unnecessary levels of traffic disruption.  

The information you must provide includes location plans, timescales for carrying out the work and the type of traffic management you will use. We consult utility companies about your proposals, and they may ask for additional work to be carried out to protect their apparatus. 

Please also note:  

  • The licence is not time limited and it only ends if the apparatus is removed from the highway.  
  • Any changes in ownership should be reported to the highway authority.  
  • Any inspections or maintenance work are the subject of an additional licence application.  


The cost of the Section 50 licence is £575; whilst the cost of a Section 171 licence is £375.   

The information you must provide includes location plans, timescales for carrying out the work and the type of traffic management you will use. We consult utility companies about your proposals, and they may ask for additional work to be carried out to protect their apparatus. 

Public register

If you wish to view this, please get in touch via the details below:

Contact details

Northumberland County Council 
County Hall 
NE61 2EF   
Phone: 0345 600 6400

Useful documents