Flood risk management

Information on the responsibilities we have to assist in the management of flood risk.

Flood risk management

Information on the responsibilities we have to assist in the management of flood risk.

Our risk management

Northumberland County Council is the lead local flood authority (LLFA) for Northumberland as defined by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

As a result, the council has a number of duties and responsibilities to assist in the management of flood risk from local sources within our administrative boundary. Sources of flood risk identified as local by the act include:

  • surface water
  • ordinary watercourses
  • groundwater
  • lakes
  • small reservoirs

Roles and responsibilities for flooding document

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for Northumberland

PFRA Addendum

Local flood risk management strategy

In our role as LLFA, we have developed a local flood risk management strategy, which outlines how we manage flooding in our area and work with other authorities to manage all sources of flooding.

The strategy plays an important role in formalising an integrated approach to local flood risk management in Northumberland by identifying local objectives and setting out measures with short, medium and long-term actions. This approach helps us manage the risk in a way that delivers the greatest benefit to our residents, businesses and the environment.

The draft strategy was prepared using feedback from a consultation exercise in the summer of 2014, which provided residents, businesses and organisations the opportunity to share their opinions and personal experiences of flood risk management in the county.

The draft strategy was made available for consultation between February and April 2015 and closed for comments on 24 April 2015. The strategy was formally approved for implementation by the county council 4 November 2015.

Local flood risk management strategy documents

If would like to find out more about the council’s flood risk management functions, please email FCERM@northumberland.gov.uk

Flood risk management schemes

FloodAI Northumberland
This project is funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes which is managed by the Environment Agency. The programmes will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to a changing climate.

FloodAI is led by Northumberland County Council in partnership with Arup, Northumbria University, Isle Utilities and Environment Agency.

We are working with six communities in Northumberland: Haltwhistle, Acomb, Riding Mill, Stocksfield, Ovingham and Hepscott.

We aim to increase resilience by creating a new type of flood warning. This warning will enable communities to evolve their decision making in operational flood response, reducing impacts, and the project will serve as a prototype for wider national implementation for communities with similar flood risk behaviour.

Follow the progress - FloodAI

To find out more about our flood and coastal risk management schemes click on the interactive map.
Northumberland County Council is part of the Northumbria Integrated Drainage Partnership (NIDP), a partnership of Northumbrian Water, the north east LLFA's and Environment Agency, working together to reduce our communities' risk of flooding from all sources.
To find out more about the flood risk studies we are involved in, please visit - NWL Community Portal

Flood resilience

Improve your resilience to flooding:

Guides on managing surface water at home:

If you own land or property where a watercourse, culvert, ditch, stream runs through or adjoins your land you are deemed riparian owner. Find out more about owning a watercourse.

Reporting a flood

If you would like to report a flood on your property from a local source, please fill out the flood investigation form. If you are suffering from a flooding incident now and require assistance, please contact your emergency services.

You can report flooding here.

If you are concerned about flooding from a main river or the sea, you should contact the Environment Agency.

Check the main river map

If you are concerned there may be a blockage in the public sewer, you should contact Northumbrian Water.