This page provides details on a range of studies and background information relevant to informing planning applications and which may also be of value to other organisations and communities.
Government guidance establishes a standardised methodology for calculating the minimum Local Housing Need, based on the latest official Office of National Statistics population and household projections (updated every two years) and affordability ratios of average house prices compared to earnings (updated annually). The Housing and Economic Growth Options report examines alternative economic growth scenarios for the County’s employment land requirements and the corresponding levels of housing requirements that would be necessary to support the increased population and numbers of households. The Report was prepared to inform the preparation of the Northumberland Local Plan.
The Employment Land and Premises Demand Study reviewed the market demand for land and premises for industrial, office and warehouse development across Northumberland. The recommended changes to the employment land portfolio in the employment land review (2011) were reviewed in relation to the evidence in the report and new recommendations made where appropriate. Many of these been taken forward in the Northumberland Local Plan.
The information in the studies and their conclusions reflect the position at the time that the studies were prepared. While the town centre health check and ‘bench marking’ reports are dated, some more up-to-date town centre information may be found on the Economy and Regeneration pages.
The Council promotes a healthy eating policy in line with Government initiatives to tackle the obesity crisis. As a result, the Local Plan places certain restrictions on new hot food takeaways. Parts 1 (a) and 1 (b) of Policy TCS 6 restrict the development of new hot food takeaways in towns and electoral divisions where there are above average Primary School children overweight or where there is already a proliferation of takeaways. This paper identifies the geographies affected by these restrictions.
The Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment looks at the needs for sites and accommodation for gypsies and travellers pitches and travelling showpeople plots in Northumberland.
Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Needs Assessment (March 2022)
View further information about Gypsy and Traveller sites in Northumberland.
This report provides a summary of the dwellings built in Northumberland each year. It includes:
You can read the report and learn more about our register on our Self and Custom Housebuilding page.
Local Plan Policy HOU 10 sets primary occupancy restrictions on new housing in some parts of the county. This note lists the parishes to which this currently applies.
Correction notes for Strategy and Action Plan
Please not that on page 81, at paragraph 6.3.4 of the Action Plan and Strategy document, it incorrectly refers to Northumberland Council's Regulation 123 list. This is an erroneous reference. No such list exists, as Northumberland is not currently a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Authority.
Please also note that on page 84 at paragraph 6.7.2 reference is made 'No more than five contributions may be pooled towards the provision of any single infrastructure project or type of infrastructure'. This was correct at the time of development of this document but changes to regulations since this time mean it is no longer applicable.
If you would like further information on planning policy in Northumberland, please contact the Planning Policy Team on
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