Guest houses parking permits

Information on parking permits for owners of guest houses to give to visitors.

Guest houses parking permits

Information on parking permits for owners of guest houses to give to visitors.

If you run a guest house located within a resident parking permit scheme you will be able to apply for up to two parking permits.

Our policy has been to consider the number of letting bedrooms, any private or unrestricted parking near the establishment and any alternative council operated off-street parking in the vicinity that can be used and to review the number of permits that have been issued across the scheme.   

However, as parking pressures in all our towns has increased significantly since the introduction of free parking we have reviewed our policy.  A guest house will now be able to apply for the same number of permits as any other residential property within the scheme area, a maximum of two permits. However, to give more flexibility these can be two ‘visitor’ permits which will allow them both to be used in any vehicle. 

The annual cost of a resident and visitor permit is £30.00 each.  You can apply, upload evidence and pay for your permits online.  If we require any further information we will email you, otherwise your permits will be automatically sent to you, usually within 5 working days. You will be asked to provide proof of residency and vehicle information if appropriate.  You can submit scans of the documents or photographs. Please make sure all images are clear and legible. 

Apply for a guest house/hotel visitor parking permit 

If you have more guests than you have permits, you’ll need to find alternative places for them to park safely and legally.

View the terms and conditions here.