Community worker parking permits

Information on permits provided for on-call workers that provide urgent or emergency health and social care.

Community worker parking permits

Information on permits provided for on-call workers that provide urgent or emergency health and social care.

Emergency parking permits

If you work ‘on call’ for an organisation that provides emergency/urgent health or social care to patients in the community, you can apply for a community worker permit.

They cost £30, are valid for two years and can only be used in the vehicle specified on your permit. Each applicant is entitled to one permit only.

Full terms and conditions are included on the application form. Here’s how to apply:

  1. Download, complete and sign the community worker permit application form.
  2. Gather the supporting evidence listed on the application form.
  3. Post your completed application, supporting evidence and a cheque for £30, to parking services (see form for details).

You can also return the form in person at one of our customer information centres and pay using a debit/credit card or cheque (made payable to Northumberland County Council). Applications will be processed inside 10 days providing you’ve included all the necessary documentation and signed the application form.