Laverock Hall Road Blyth - Bus Gate enforcement

Information about the bus gate system that is in place on Laverick Hall Road in Blyth.

Laverock Hall Road Blyth - Bus Gate enforcement

Information about the bus gate system that is in place on Laverick Hall Road in Blyth.

Bus Gate

A new camera enforcement system has been implemented along Laverock Hall Road in Blyth to enforce the bus only restriction in place.

Along Laverock road, Blyth, a new camera system has been implemented to enforce the bus only restriction we have in place.   

The stretch of road between Benridge Park and Portland Wynd has long been bus only but following the building of a new roundabout at its western end it has become increasingly used by private cars, resulting in extra traffic in this residential area.   

Residents have become concerned over the amount of extra traffic passing through the area, some of which is speeding and causing danger to families.   

The county council has now installed a camera enforcement system which will monitor passing traffic and issue a penalty to those who contravene the bus-only regulation.   

New traffic signs have been installed to inform motorists of the camera enforcement system, and the words ‘BUS GATE’ have been painted on the ground at both ends of the bus gate.   

This restriction is designed to allow buses only to serve the residential area but prevent through traffic for all other vehicles. 

There are signs in place at either entrance of the ‘bus lane’ which shows images of a pedal cycle and a single decker bus on a blue background, which informs all motorists the lane is for pedal cycles and buses only. Authorised vehicles may also use the lane, this applies to police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes where that vehicle is on operational duty and responding to an emergency call. 

What is a Bus Gate?

A 'Bus Gate' is a short section of road blocked off to all traffic except buses.  

Legally speaking it is the same as a bus lane or a bus only street, and they are all enforced in the same way, by an approved device (Camera) using ANPR.   

What happens if I drive through the Bus Gate?

The bus gate is in operation every day.   

A camera will detect any vehicle driving through the bus gate restriction capturing evidence.  This will be processed and a fine will be sent, by post, to the registered keeper of the vehicle.     

The penalty for driving through a bus gate increased due to a change in legislation and from 31 May 2022 the penalty payable is £70 (reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days)   

What happens if I receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)? 

If you receive a PCN it means our camera has detected your vehicle driving through the bus gate. You need to follow the instructions on the PCN which tells you about the appeals process or alternatively, click here to view the evidence or to pay the PCN online. 

How do I know there is a bus gate?

There are signs at the start of the bus gate which indicate the restriction.   

The words "BUS GATE" are written on the ground at both ends of the bus gate. 

There is clear and prominent signage on Laverock Hall Road, at both ends of the bus gate, which warns of the upcoming bus gate restriction.    

There is advanced warning signage on display on all the roads leading to Laverock Hall Road. 

Why have we implemented a bus gate? 

The section of Laverock Hall Road in Blyth has long been ‘bus only’ but the restriction has been ignored resulting in additional traffic within the residential area and concerns over road safety.   

The implementation of the bus gate will enable robust enforce of the restrictions in place improving road safety concerns. 

How do I avoid driving through the bus gate?

You can follow the A1061 travelling east and west, and the B1523 travelling north and south avoiding the bus gate on Laverock Hall Road.  

From the West (entering Blyth)  

Heading east to enter Blyth via Newsham along the A1061 at the first roundabout leave at the second exit continuing in an easterly direction on A1061 until you reach the second roundabout where you will have a choice of exiting left via the B1523 which will take you to Newsham or continuing straight over the roundabout continuing to the next roundabout at the junction of the A193, here you will follow signposts to which will direct you to Blyth town centre.  

From the North (leaving Blyth)  

Leaving Blyth via Newsham travelling south on Newcastle Road at the roundabout, which is the junction of Laverock Hall Road, continue straight ahead to join the B1523 which will take you to the roundabout at the junction of the A1061. At this roundabout you will have a choice to turn left in an easterly direction on the A1061 towards Blyth Beach or right on the A1061 towards the A189 which is a main arterial route travelling north to south through South East Northumberland.  

Access to Portland Wynd  

Portland Wynd, the housing estate on Laverock Hall Road can be accessed via the A1061 at the roundabout midpoint between the junction of the A192 and B1523. Travelling east you leave the roundabout at the first exit (left). Travelling west you leave the roundabout at the second exit (right). 

Raising awareness

We have been working on the implementation of the bus gate since 2018 and have carried out consultation and awareness raising in various ways.   

We have worked with the local councillors, local press and used social media to raise awareness of and to promote the bus gate on Laverock Hall Road.  

Click here to see our most recent press release   

We have prominently displayed advisory Black and Yellow signage warning of the implementation of the bus gate on all routes leading to Laverock Hall Road since May 2020, and over the last 5 weeks these have been displaying the go live date of 26 October.  

Along Laverock road, Blyth, a new camera system has been implemented to enforce the bus only restriction we have in place.   

The stretch of road between Benridge Park and Portland Wynd has long been bus only but following the building of a new roundabout at its western end it has become increasingly used by private cars, resulting in extra traffic in this residential area.   

Residents have become concerned over the amount of extra traffic passing through the area, some of which is speeding and causing danger to families.   

The county council has now installed a camera enforcement system which will monitor passing traffic and issue a penalty to those who contravene the bus-only regulation.   

New traffic signs have been installed to inform motorists of the camera enforcement system, and the words ‘BUS GATE’ have been painted on the ground at both ends of the bus gate.   

This restriction is designed to allow buses only to serve the residential area but prevent through traffic for all other vehicles. 

There are signs in place at either entrance of the ‘bus lane’ which shows images of a pedal cycle and a single decker bus on a blue background, which informs all motorists the lane is for pedal cycles and buses only. Authorised vehicles may also use the lane, this applies to police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes where that vehicle is on operational duty and responding to an emergency call. 

What is a Bus Gate?

A 'Bus Gate' is a short section of road blocked off to all traffic except buses.  

Legally speaking it is the same as a bus lane or a bus only street, and they are all enforced in the same way, by an approved device (Camera) using ANPR.   

What happens if I drive through the Bus Gate?

The bus gate is in operation every day.   

A camera will detect any vehicle driving through the bus gate restriction capturing evidence.  This will be processed and a fine will be sent, by post, to the registered keeper of the vehicle.     

The penalty for driving through a bus gate increased due to a change in legislation and from 31 May 2022 the penalty payable is £70 (reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days)   

What happens if I receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)? 

If you receive a PCN it means our camera has detected your vehicle driving through the bus gate. You need to follow the instructions on the PCN which tells you about the appeals process or alternatively, click here to view the evidence or to pay the PCN online. 

How do I know there is a bus gate?

There are signs at the start of the bus gate which indicate the restriction.   

The words "BUS GATE" are written on the ground at both ends of the bus gate. 

There is clear and prominent signage on Laverock Hall Road, at both ends of the bus gate, which warns of the upcoming bus gate restriction.    

There is advanced warning signage on display on all the roads leading to Laverock Hall Road. 

Why have we implemented a bus gate? 

The section of Laverock Hall Road in Blyth has long been ‘bus only’ but the restriction has been ignored resulting in additional traffic within the residential area and concerns over road safety.   

The implementation of the bus gate will enable robust enforce of the restrictions in place improving road safety concerns. 


How do I avoid driving through the bus gate?

You can follow the A1061 travelling east and west, and the B1523 travelling north and south avoiding the bus gate on Laverock Hall Road.  

From the West (entering Blyth)  

Heading east to enter Blyth via Newsham along the A1061 at the first roundabout leave at the second exit continuing in an easterly direction on A1061 until you reach the second roundabout where you will have a choice of exiting left via the B1523 which will take you to Newsham or continuing straight over the roundabout continuing to the next roundabout at the junction of the A193, here you will follow signposts to which will direct you to Blyth town centre.  

From the North (leaving Blyth)  

Leaving Blyth via Newsham travelling south on Newcastle Road at the roundabout, which is the junction of Laverock Hall Road, continue straight ahead to join the B1523 which will take you to the roundabout at the junction of the A1061. At this roundabout you will have a choice to turn left in an easterly direction on the A1061 towards Blyth Beach or right on the A1061 towards the A189 which is a main arterial route travelling north to south through South East Northumberland.  

Access to Portland Wynd  

Portland Wynd, the housing estate on Laverock Hall Road can be accessed via the A1061 at the roundabout midpoint between the junction of the A192 and B1523. Travelling east you leave the roundabout at the first exit (left). Travelling west you leave the roundabout at the second exit (right). 

Raising awareness

We have been working on the implementation of the bus gate since 2018 and have carried out consultation and awareness raising in various ways.   

We have worked with the local councillors, local press and used social media to raise awareness of and to promote the bus gate on Laverock Hall Road.  

Click here to see our most recent press release   

We have prominently displayed advisory Black and Yellow signage warning of the implementation of the bus gate on all routes leading to Laverock Hall Road since May 2020, and over the last 5 weeks these have been displaying the go live date of 26 October.