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Employability skills boost for young people

Not in education or employment, but looking for your next challenge? Northumberland County Council in partnership with Newcastle United Foundation might have just what you are looking for.

If you are aged 16-25 years and not currently in education or employment you could set yourself on the right track through an employability programme. The programme will aid you in gaining the skills you need to develop your career.

Councillor Guy Renner-Thompson, cabinet member with responsibility for children and young people, said: “This is a great opportunity for those young people looking to get into work.

“Learning key skills through team building can help you go a long way and set you on the right career path for you.

We, as a council are committed to opening up opportunities such as this within our communities, and I strongly urge you to take part if you can.”
From Wednesday 13 October, Newcastle United Foundation will be running a series of ‘Taster Days’ at Hirst park, Ashington ahead of the week-long programme in November.

The Leadership through football course will provide an engaging introduction to leadership and developing key leadership skills through football. Practical football activities will be used to develop football leaders and wider, transferable leadership skills such as communication, planning and adaptability. This, alongside a mix of group workshops and peer support will provide the basis for participants to achieve an award in Sports Leadership. Participants will also gain an accredited Emergency First Aid qualification. Both the award and qualification will be delivered by Newcastle United Foundation.

Daniel Hancock, Senior Employability Coordinator at Newcastle United Foundation, said: “We are privileged to be able to offer this programme in Northumberland. We believe everyone aged 16 to 25 should be able to have access to the same opportunities to open up their employability skills.

“You don’t have to be into football to benefit either. There is something for everyone to gain from this. I encourage anyone who is thinking about what they want to do with their future to pop along to one of the taster days and speak with the team.”

Taster days, including a meet and greet with Newcastle United Foundation staff will be held Wednesday 13, 20 & 27 October, between 1pm and 3pm at Hirst Park Pavilion, Ashington.

The week-long programme takes place from Monday 1 November and will include a leadership workshop, practical football engagement, Sports Leadership Award, Emergency First Aid qualification, team building and peer support and an introduction to long term support with Newcastle Football Foundation – all of which will aid job seekers in improving their confidence, leadership and practical development.

This course will also provide an introduction to wider and more long-term employability and careers support through Newcastle United Foundations NE1 Works programme, to help connect participants with job opportunities and mentoring.

“A huge thanks also goes to those who fund programmes such as these. Funding for this programme has been made available through North of Tyne Combined Authority, Postcode Lottery and Youth Futures Foundation” added Councillor Guy Renner-Thompson.

For more details on the taster days or course email
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