Rural Asset Multiplier Pilot (RAMP)

Northumberland County Council is facilitating a place-based approach to investing in Northumberland's unique natural, economic, and cultural assets that will simultaneously enhance the environment, grow the rural economy, and improve opportunity and prosperity in communities

On 10th July 2024, rural growth projects from across Northumberland came together at the Rothbury Jubilee Hall for their first networking event.

The projects are being supported through the Rural Asset Multiplier Pilot (RAMP) programme which is delivering funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF), and the North East Combined Authority Investment Fund. RAMP is part funded by the North East Combined Authority Investment Fund and by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund with the North East Combined Authority as the Lead Authority.

The event was an opportunity for the projects to connect, consider how the pilot should develop and the long-term future for rural growth in Northumberland. It enabled the different projects, that are spread across the Northumberland National Park and the Northumberland Coast National Landscape, to connect and offer support to one another.

Maria Antoniou, Head of Economic Development at Northumberland County Council, opened the event. She highlighted the importance of connections and the unique nature of the RAMP pilot.

Alongside the projects, several members of the RAMP Investment Panel that had selected and approved funding for the projects, attended. Staff from the Council and the North East Combined Authority, who are managing and overseeing RAMP, also attended.

Various organisations leading on the projects presented and set out how they expected to deliver rural growth for their communities. These included;

  • Northumberland Community Energy Ltd - installing solar panels on village community buildings for climate change resilience and to reduce energy bills.
  • Northumberland National Park Authority - leading several projects including creating routes for people to be employed in green jobs; and
  • Forestry England - creating one of the first all-accessible mountain bike trails in England.

Other organisations attending were Lesbury Community Hub, Green Croft Arts Ltd, and the Northumberland Wildlife Trust. RAMP is also funding projects led by the Holy Island of Lindisfarne Community Development Trust and the Northumberland Coast National Landscape, who were unable to attend.

Following presentations, the projects were able to connect with one another and discuss what support they would need. They also considered what the programme should look like for the future to continue supporting rural growth in Northumberland. There was interest in connecting more young people in rural areas to skills and training around green jobs, and better-connected promotion of tourism between the coast and the National Park.

It is expected that the projects will meet up again to continue to share ideas and support one another as they deliver their projects over the next year.

Northumberland County Council is facilitating a place-based approach to investing in Northumberland's unique natural, economic, and cultural assets that will simultaneously enhance the environment, grow the rural economy, and improve opportunity and prosperity in communities.

Stewardship & Rural Growth

Rural Northumberland is home to some of the country’s most distinctive and valuable natural and cultural assets, including our pristine coastline; one of the UK’s largest farming sectors; our leading forestry industry; plentiful renewable energy resources and carbon capture capability; productive woodlands and waterways; precious nature habitats and biodiversity; and our unique Borderlands culture and heritage.  
These assets offer huge potential to enhance the environment in Northumberland and to contribute to climate change goals, at the same time as boosting growth and prosperity in the local economy and communities by capitalising on these natural assets. 
Northumberland County Council is facilitating a place-based approach to investing in Northumberland's unique natural, economic, and cultural assets that will simultaneously enhance the environment, grow the rural economy, and improve opportunity and prosperity in communities. 

The approach aligns and balances investment in:
  • Stewardship: looking after and enhancing our precious natural assets in a way that provides environmental, social, and economic benefits.
  • Rural growth: developing the rural economy, and growing businesses, jobs and wealth in a way that simultaneously delivers environmental and social benefits

Northumberland County Council and the North East Combined Authority, working with a range of rural stakeholders have developed a Stewardship and Rural Growth Investment approach supported by £9m of investment until 2028. The investment is a combination of the North East Combined Authority Investment Fund, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund which the North East Combined Authority administers on behalf of the UK Government.

Two flagship programmes are enabled through this investment and include the Northumberland Rural Asset Multiplier Pilot (RAMP) Programme and the Northumberland Small Business Service.

If you would like more information, or to discuss the support available please contact us at

For more information on support available to rural communities please visit 
Grants and Funding
The Rural Asset Multiplier Pilot (RAMP) is an innovative, place-based approach to investing in our unique natural, economic and cultural assets in a way that will simultaneously enhance our environment, grow our rural economy, and improve opportunity and prosperity in our communities.

Funded by the UK Government logo North East Combined Authority logo

The RAMP Programme is delivered by Northumberland County Council and runs from September 2023 until 31 March 2026. The project is part funded by the North East Combined Authority Investment Fund and by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund with the North East Combined Authority as the lead authority.

The RAMP Programme will prioritise investment in strategic activities which will bring lasting, positive change to identified rural areas, piloted in two areas. Activity will be driven by local need, demonstrating a bottom-up approach targeted directly at tackling local, rural issues. All investments in project activities and pilots will be made through the RAMP Grant Investment Fund.

In this initial phase, activities will be concentrated in two defined pilot geographic areas of rural Northumberland, which are:

  • the Northumberland Coast National Landscape and
  • the southern part of the Northumberland National Park,

each presenting distinct opportunities and challenges relating to environmental stewardship and rural growth.

NCC will also consider funding a small number of projects that fall outside of these two primary target areas, but which are located in rural areas of Northumberland and meet the other eligibility criteria set out the Call Specification.

Who can apply?

The RAMP programme will support community led projects that bring forward new, innovative, locally-based approaches to addressing economic, environmental, or community challenges and opportunities in rural Northumberland. Projects must demonstrate that they will make a clear and positive impact in their local area.

Call for Projects in Rural Northumberland – RAMP Grant Investment Fund

Growing the economy, enhancing the environment, and supporting communities in local rural areas.

RAMP Call Specification and Guidance
RAMP Grant Application Form
RAMP Expenditure, Funding & Output Tables

We expect and encourage all potential applicants to discuss their project ideas with Northumberland County Council, and depending on project location, with Northumberland Coast National Landscape, and Northumberland National Park Authority, as appropriate.

For further information please contact: