Disabled Children’s Team (DCT)

This page shares the work that the Disabled Children’s Team do, who they are able to work with and how to access their support.

Information about how the disabled children's team may be able to help.

What the Disabled Children’s Team does

Some children, young people and their families will need support from the Disabled Children Team, when this is identified a Social Worker will be in touch to arrange a Children and Family assessment. An Assessment will often take place when your child's need cannot be met through universal services. A children and Family assessment will help to identify what support as a family you will need and looks at the following key areas;
  1. The caring role you undertake on a day-to-day basis to identify what support we can put in place to help you.
  2. We will assess how your child's disability impacts on their everyday lives. 
  3. The impact your child's disability may have on their siblings lives.   
The Social Worker will arrange a time to visit you in your family home at a time which is most convenient for you. During this assessment the Social Worker will gather information on your child’s needs and will arrange to meet your child to get an understanding of their views, wishes and aspirations.  The Social Worker will also ask for your consent so they can speak to the professionals already involved in your child's life.
We understand that some children and young people may feel anxious when new people visit their family home. The Social Worker will talk to you before the visit takes place on how they can make your child feel comfortable before they meet with them and get an understanding of any communication needs they may have.
This assessment will be carried out within a maximum 45 working days.  Once the assessment has been completed the Social Worker will share a copy with you.

More information and requesting an assessment

If you would like to request a Children and Family assessment please contact the First Contact Team on 01670 536400.  Alternatively, a professional who is already working with your family will be able to make a referral on your behalf. 

Disabled Children’s Team criteria

You can read the Disabled Children's Social Work Team (DCT) - Eligibility Criteria by clicking here. If you have any questions about accessing support from the Team please contact the First Contact Team on 01670 536400.
Young people open to children social care may need support when they are preparing for adulthood in different parts of their life.

With your consent a referral to adult social care will be made if your worker feels this is something that is required and depending on complexity this can take place anytime between your child turning 14 and 17 years old. This will give you and your child along with the rest of your family plenty of time to get to know your Adult Social Care worker and ask any questions you may have. 

A care needs assessment will be carried out by an adult social care worker so you and your family will know what support your child will receive in advance of their 18th birthday and what the plan will be. Children Social Care and Adult Social Care will work closely together to help make sure careful planning takes place to reduce as much as possible any worries you, your child and the rest of your family may have. 
For more information about Preparing for Adulthood please click here