Staying healthy

This page gives you information about staying healthy and what to do if you are worried about your health.

If you’re living in Northumberland, want to improve your health and are over 16 you can use the health trainer’s service who can work with you on a one-toone basis or in a group.

The friendly health trainers can help you stay healthy and prevent illness by:
  • Identifying ways of improving your lifestyle and help you to plan and carry out those hanges
  •  Providing information on healthy eating, weight management, making nutritional meals and snacks
  •  Introducing you to an exercise class or activity and come with you if it will help
  •  Offering encouragement and support to maintain your new healthy lifestyle
  •  Taking your blood pressure and carbon monoxide readings
  •  Signposting you to other local services
  •  Drawing up a personal health plan for you
You can learn more about the health trainer service by clicking here. You can be referred to the service by your GP, Nurse, or other Health Professional or you can get in touch with them directly on 01670 623840.

Sometimes when we grow up we may try things that are not good for us, such as smoking, drinking or drugs. If you feel you would like some advice around these choices you can contact SORTED who can provide advice and support around making safe choices. SORTED are Substance Misuse service for young people in Northumberland (substances apply to all legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, volatile substances and over the counter and prescription drugs). To get more information contact 01670 536400 or email

 If you want to stop smoking contact Northumbria Healthcare Smoking Cessation service on 0344 811 8111 or visit the NHS site for stopping smoking by clicking here.
As you get older and turn 18, you may leave Children’s Health Services and might move into Adult Health Services.

With this comes more choices and decision making around your healthcare which includes going to hospital, dentist and optician appointments. It is good to talk to your family, carers or school or college about teaching you how to make sure you remember to go to health appointments and practice going to these appointments.
If you have had a Paediatrician (Children’s Doctor), or a healthcare professional they will not see you once you are an adult. If you have a learning disability your doctor can provide a health check for you from the age of 14. Ask your doctor to go on the disability register. Having these health checks every year will help your doctor to know you better and understand your healthcare needs.
It is important to understand any long term condition you may have.

It is important that you understand any long term condition which is affecting you such as ADHD, Autism, Diabetes and Epilepsy. Talk to your Paediatrician/Doctor or Public Health School Nurse or other people such as your parents/careers, social worker and teachers.
Things that happen as you get older may make you feel anxious and worried which can affect your health and wellbeing.

If you have any worries you can feel sick, be unable to sleep, get snappy with people, feel bad about yourself. It can make you feel like you can’t cope. If you feel like running away, hurting yourself, not wanting to get out of bed or taking your own life, it’s important you talk to someone.
There are lots of people to help you:
  • family members / friends / teachers
  • Doctor/GP
  • Public Health School Nurse
  • Samaritans
There are a range of self-help tools available either online on the NHS site or in the local library that can help provide a better understanding of your condition.
Talking Matters Northumberland offers a free psychological treatment, support and recovery service for the people of Northumberland over the age of 16 for depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health related problems.

Should you be experiencing emotional or mental health issues which affect your daily living, employment or wider health needs then Talking Matters Northumberland could be a benefit to you. To learn more and how to contact them click here.
It's important to know where you should go based on how ill you are.

For students aged 11 -19 help with all kinds of issues is available by texting the school nurse on 07507 332258.
Your pharmacist (chemist) can give you some advice if you are feeling ill but don’t feel you need to see a doctor, however if you were to deteriorate you must seek medical advice. If you have a bad accident or you need to see a doctor straight away, go to Accident and Emergency or phone 999. If you are not sure you can phone 111.

Use the right service

Use the right service graphic. Self-care for minor cuts, bruising, coughs, colds and sore throats. Pharmacy for minor ailments, bites, upset stomachs, medication advice. NHS 111 for advice for feeling unwell. GP advice for persistent symptoms, long term conditions or chronic pain. Urgent care centres for breaks, sprains, x-rays, ultrasounds, fevers, cuts and grazes. A&E or 999 for medical emergencies such as choking, chest pain, blacking out or serious blood loss.