
Leave a comment or ask a question about the local offer, see previous responses and sign up to the mailing list.

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In the meantime, please send all comments or questions via email to
In this section you will find our responses to questions we have been asked.

You Said - We did table


You Said We Did
A parent/carer queried the name ‘SEND Local Offer’ as it’s not clear what it means (SEND Roadshow parent/carer) The team explained what the SEND Local Offer is.
A parent/carer commented that they would like to be able to access more information on after school activities (SEND Roadshow parent/carer) The team signposted to other organisations at the event as they offer similar activities and explained that the Local Offer is currently being updated.
A parent/carer commented that the Local Offer is not easy to understand and could be more user friendly. (SEND Roadshow parent/carer) Signposted the parent/carer to the NCC website where the Local Offer is hosted. Feedback was recorded. Signposted to participate in offering feedback on the Local Offer as it was explained, this is currently being updated.
Parent/carer said there is not enough information about the services and how to access them. (Survey response - parent/carer) We are currently re-designing our website to ensure all information about services is up-to date and relevant. We are working alongside Northumberland Parent/Carer Forum to find out what information Parents/Carers want.
A parent/carer suggested that parents could be told what the local offer is, where to find information, posting on social media like Gateshead and Newcastle. (Survey response - parent/carer) We are working with new organisations such as Northumberland Parent/Carer forum to publicise the Local Offer. We will continue to expand these networks.
A parent/carer suggested that the Local Offer could include info of what is actually available and can be accessed. (Survey response - parent/carer) We are currently re-designing our website to ensure all information about services is up-to date and relevant. We are working alongside Northumberland Parent/Carer Forum to find out what information Parents/Carers want.
A parent/carer made the following suggestion - provide more specific links for different age groups (e.g. according to educational stage- early years, foundation, key stages etc.) and especially to include activity and health offers for the 16+ age group. In addition make it more directly accessible by these young people themselves. (Survey response - parent/carer) Our website has recently been updated to include key milestones in life including ‘Early Years, Education & Schools’ and ‘Growing Up and Leaving Schools’. We hope this makes the website more accessible and user friendly.
A parent/carer suggested that there could be a searchable directory and clearer links. (Survey response - parent/carer) We are currently re-designing our website to ensure all links are in a different text so they are clear. We appreciate all comments about the Local Offer and will consider these in our current re-design.
A parent/carer commented that sometimes the Local Offer doesn't work properly on mobile devices. (Parent and carer focus group) The website has now been updated to be fully mobile friendly.
A parent/carer made comment about the look and design of the Local Offer and that it needed to be more appealing. (Parent and carer focus group) We are currently re-designing our website to create a sleeker, clearer and more accessible website.
A parent/carer made a comment about the accessibility of the Local Offer and that it should be shortened with less text. (Parent and carer focus group) We are currently re-designing our website. Part of this re-design has included using buttons to break up pages so text on the page is shorter, as well as creating videos for those who may prefer to listen to information.
A parent/carer suggested that a guide to services would be useful. (Parent and carer focus group) We appreciate all comments about the Local Offer and will consider these in our current re-design.
A parent shared a comment that consideration needed to be given to the content of the Local Offer to be accessible to parents too. (Parent and carer focus group) We are currently re-designing the website and part of this process has been to take consideration of accessibility issues. For example, we are ensuring our web pages can be read by screen readers by reducing the use of images.
A parent/carer felt that the links are not clear on the Local Offer, as some are pictures. (Parent and carer focus group) We are re-designing the website to make sure that links are written in a different text to ensure these are clear.
A parent/carer commented that the Local Offer should explain what support is available, how to get it and access it. (Parent and carer focus group) Our website has recently been re-designed to break down available support into relevant sections, such as Transport and Health.
A parent/carer suggested that more information on the assessment process and appeals could be included in the Local Offer. (Parent and carer focus group) We currently link to Northumberland Information, Advice and Support Service on our Local Offer website who can support with assessments and appeals. We will update the Information, Advice and Support section to make this clearer.