Consultations and Surveys

Respond to our open consultations and see the results of our closed surveys.

We currently don't have any open consultations. There is one survey open.

Please see below for previous results.

We are developing an oppurtunity to recieve regular updates.  

Inclusive Netball Club

England Netball are looking to develop a Core Inclusive Netball Club session within Northumberland. They are currently looking for information from you as to the where/when/how so we can start putting plans into action! Any enquiries or additional info please contact Jess Laidler (Northumberland Netball Development Officer) via email -

Click here to give your views.

Find our past consultation and survey results below.

SEND Strategy

We asked children and young people and their families with special educational needs and disabilities to feedback comments and suggestions on our draft strategy which described the future strategy and actions that will be taken to provide support for children, young people with SEND and their families.

We received a number of responses through the online survey, through schools and partner agencies. Feedback was received from parents and carers and partners in education, health and social care. Common themes in the feedback were

  • Agreement with the four priorities identified
  • Placing the child, young person and family at the heart of monitoring progress
  • Making data and information clearer and more accessible
  • Agreement with priority to ensure support is equitable across the county
The Strategy has been amended to reflect feedback and can now be viewed here.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback and comments about our future plans.

We carried out a survey to find out about the impact of COVID-19 on children, young people and their families with SEND in Northumberland.

426 families replied, which is the largest response there has been for a survey about SEND in Northumberland. 

The findings of this survey will be used to help us plan what needs to happen next. This is a summary of the findings; however, you can see a full detailed report of the COVID survey by clicking here.

What the survey found

Mental Health

Lockdown impacted negatively on the mental health and wellbeing of most parents and carers as well their children SEND. Families also reported having to decrease their spending and some reported struggling financially.

Home schooling

Home schooling was difficult for many families, particularly when combined with working from home. The nature of their child’s needs, a lack of routine, the number of children and adults in the household and the support the family received from school impacted significantly on a family’s ability to home school.

The majority of children in this report did not attend school during the period of the survey. A small number of children did not receive any schooling at home and their physical and mental health became worse. Conversely, some children thrived away from the pressures of school.

Families reported varying levels of satisfaction with the support they received from their child’s school.

Health and social care support

Many children and young people continued to receive more or the same level of health and social care support as before lockdown, while others reported they received less or no support. Some people reported their assessments went ahead, while others’ were delayed or cancelled. Two thirds of children and young people undergoing an education reported the communication was not enough.

Future wishes

Looking to the future, families wished for more staffing, training and funding for schools, increase support for mental health and plans for how their children will catch up on any missed learning. Families wanted improved communication with their schools, extra activities available for weekends and holidays and more advice and support if their child needed help at school.

What happens now?

We have produced an action plan based on the responses for this survey and this can be found by clicking here.

We would like to thank all the parents and carers who contributed to this survey.

We recently asked disabled children and their families for their views on ‘Short Breaks’ as part of Northumberland County Council’s review into the support offer.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in this survey.

Short Breaks Survey

We recently asked disabled children and their families for their views on ‘Short Breaks’ as part of Northumberland County Council’s review into the support offer.  

The results, reports and recommendations that have come from the Short Breaks Survey can be found below: 

Short Break Review March 2021 – Full Report, click here to read the full report

Short Break Review March 2021 – Executive Summary, click here to read an executive summary