Current planning policies

View current planning policy documents used to guide and determine planning applications in Northumberland.

The Northumberland Local Plan 2016 to 2036 was adopted by Northumberland Council Council on 31 March 2022. The Local Plan is now part of the development plan for Northumberland and forms the basis of decision making on planning applications across Northumberland (excluding the areas covered by the Northumberland National Park) alongside the made Neighbourhood Plans.

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The policies in the Northumberland Local Plan replace all those that were set out in the previous District, Borough, and County Council plans listed below:
  • The Core Strategies of the former Local Authorities of Alnwick (2007), Blyth Valley (2007), and Tynedale (2007), and the Blyth Valley Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (2007);
  • The saved Local Plan policies (under the Secretary of State's Direction) of the Northumberland Minerals Local Plan (2000), Northumberland Waste Local Plan (2001), Alnwick District Wide Local Plan (1997), Berwick upon Tweed Local Plan (1999), Blyth Valley District Local Plan (1999), Castle Morpeth District Local Plan (2003), Tynedale District Local Plan (2000), and Wansbeck District Local Plan (2007); and
  • Saved Policy S5 of the Northumberland County and National Park Joint Structure Plan Alteration (February 2005).
Made neighbourhood plans form part of the ​Statutory ​Development ​Plan ​for ​Northumberland.

View the 'made' or 'emerging' neighbourhood plans in Northumberland.

This ​includes ​neighbourhood ​plans ​that ​have ​been ​approved ​at ​referendum.
Planning decisions must be taken in line with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. National planning policy and guidance are relevant material considerations.

This document has been prepared to detail the planning policy documents, both statutory and non-statutory, that are relevant to the geographical area covered by Northumberland County Council in its role as the Local Planning Authority.

View the Northumberland Consolidated Planning Policy Framework
Further information:

If you would like further information on planning policy in Northumberland, please contact the Planning Policy Team on