Your neighbourhood

Here you will find details of neighbourhood services, estate walkabouts and our housing officers.

We provide a number of key local services to tenants, residents and customers in Alnwick and Blyth Valley.

We have a commitment to service quality, customer service excellence, value for money, customer involvement and in meeting tenant and customer needs and expectations.

Our services include:-

  • finding a home to rent
  • tackling anti-social behaviour
  • involving tenants and residents in how services are delivered and managed
  • supporting tenant and residents groups
  • helping you find a solution to your housing problems
  • managing tenancies
  • managing neighbourhoods and estates
  • paying your rent
Your housing officer and other partners take a regular look at the area you live in. We hold walkabouts so that together, we can work towards making improvements to your surroundings.

Keeping your neighbourhood safe

We will not tolerate antisocial behaviour and or nuisance behaviour and our antisocial behaviour (ASB) intervention officers work hard to ensure that tenants feel safe and secure in their home and neighbourhood.

Most people are considerate towards their neighbours and their communities, but we will not endure residents who cause a disturbance to others through nuisance or criminal activities.

If you are a tenant who is experiencing any of the following, then please contact your ASB intervention officer or housing officer:
  • physical assaults
  • threats of violence
  • domestic violence (please click here for more information)
  • racial harassment or hate crime
  • criminal behaviour i.e. drug dealing
  • stalking
  • serious neighbour disputes
  • youth disorder
  • verbal abuse
  • written abuse
  • Prevention: Working alongside complainants and speaking with alleged perpetrators to reduce incidents of antisocial behaviour. We will work with the perpetrator to look at any necessary support to help sustain someone’s tenancy.
  • Enforcement: This is the last course of action when all else fails. We have the tools and powers available to take necessary and appropriate, reasonable and proportionate action.
We are committed to tackling anti-social behaviour and will:
  • investigate all complaints and treat them seriously
  • try to resolve disputes between neighbours
  • take legal action against persons who continue to behave in an antisocial manner
  • support victims and witnesses
  • work with the police and other agencies to stop antisocial behaviour
  • work with residents to make communities good places to live
  • respond to serious cases within 24 hours or the next working day
  • where suitable, commence all investigations within three working days.
  • confirm action taken with complainant and perpetrator within two weeks
  • agree a timescale to keep complainants up-to-date about progress 
We work closely with with Northumberland County Council’s community safety team, Northumbria Police and other agencies to reduce antisocial behaviour through supporting victims and taking action against those who cause problems. We can offer the following:
  • Noise nuisance equipment: All noise nuisance cases will be investigated by Homes for Northumberland. Appropriate noise nuisance equipment can be installed into a property to help gather evidence of the level of noise that is being generated. Evidence could be used at court.
  • Survey forms: Helps us to collect information and evidence from those affected by antisocial behaviour and evidence community impact.
  • Parental agreements: Parents or carers voluntarily agree that a child’s behaviour will meet specific conditions.
  • Acceptable behaviour agreements: We can use these voluntary agreements as a commitment from a tenant, or other residents (e.g. family members) that they will modify their behaviour and stop acting in an antisocial manner.
  • Good neighbourhood agreements: Signed by a number of residents outlining certain conditions that they agree not to get involved in.
  • Possession proceedings (including absolute grounds for possession): This is the first step in taking action against an individual’s tenancy. It involves seeking a court order from a judge to evict the person/s responsible, if they are Council tenants.
  • Injunctions: We can apply to the judge for an injunction to prevent someone doing something. We will use injunctions against our tenants if required, but we also use them against others in order to protect our tenants.
  • Community Protection Notices: Intended to target those responsible for specific, ongoing problems or nuisance which negatively affects quality of life in a community, put right any impact and prevent it happening again without the need for long term legal action (eg, civil injunction)
Every estate that includes council housing in Northumberland has a dedicated housing officer.

Housing officers can visit you to discuss housing services including: rent, estate management or your tenancy.

If you would  like to book an appointment with a housing officer please call our customer services centre on 0345 600 6400

They also carry out regular estate walkabouts.